iOS tips
Easy to apply tips that can improve your development workflow.
If you ever meet me you probably already know my second biggest passion after programming is Bodybuilding. I used to be a fat kid weighting 105 kg, now I’m ripped.
Want to learn how you too can become fit with ease?
I probably spend too much money on apps, but I like to support other Developer’s good ideas.
I recently gave talk about tools I use and why.
Data parsing is one of most common tasks we need to do in our apps, yet still majority of people do this parsing by hand, always repeating the same code for each class they need to map.
I’ll show show you how you could simplify your code and make it more readable at the same time.
Do you use assertions in your code? What for? How do you handle release builds ?
There is a better way than NSAssert…
How do you setup your Cocoa projects? Do you always set same warnings, clone configurations and do bunch of other stuff?
I made a tool that might help.
By the end of this tutorial you will have a simple game with level editor under 250 lines of code.
You probably saw StatusBoard by Panic. I’ve immediately thought it needs simple Jenkins widget.
I’ve just returned from NSConference #5, there were many good talks there, but my favourite one was the one about Flipboard development tools/setup by Evan Doll.
Especially how they add version information on top of the icons. Unfortunately they didn’t share it with us.
So I wrote my own.
Do you use Interface Builder ? Even if you don’t like IB, read this short tip and referenced articles.